




This is a spectacular route that runs through the traditional vineyards of Ribeira Sacra in Riberas of Miño river in Belesar. Part of the picturesque village of Belesar is located on horseback between the towns of Chantada and O Saviñao and also the pier to board the unmissable catamaran cruise of the Miño waters.
The route runs along the banks that belong to the City Council of Chantada and it starts at the foot of the bridge. Quickly the pavement path finishes and an earthen path starts along narrow trails, on the edge of the terraces built to work this area of steep slopes to grow vines. Most of the route is protected with wooden railing. At the halfway point of the route the earthen path disappears and the route reaches the the vineyards, meandering through stony and rocky areas. This rough and steep ground is not suited to people with disability. After 1 km of this steep terrain the route again becomes a trail, alternating between an earthy trail (mostly) with asphalt and concrete roads, in some areas it crosses through inhabited houses or buildings.
The difficulty of this route is counteracted by the stunning scenery of the Miño river runs by and the tranquility of its stagnant waters, resting at the bottom of the canyons of the lush Sierra mountains.


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4.6 km.

Estimated Duration:
